Lewisburg, PA

I found an Elk farm between Miflinburg and Lewisburg, PA


So, this photo caught me in a bit of trouble. You see, just after my friend took this photo and helped me off of the sign a police officer drove by. He then followed my friend and I (She was driving, I don't meet the height requirements for a drivers license,) for about 3 miles down the road, and then pulled us over! He thought we were tampering with the sign! We did our best to explain that we just wanted to get a photo of me sitting on it, that we meant no harm to the town of Lewisburg and its beautiful welcome sign. The officer then questioned the ownership of my friend's car (it is her's) and where we both went to school. He also refused to look at the photos on my camera, but sent us on our way. Could there possibly be anything more innocent to have been pulled over for? Especially at 11:00am on New Year's Day?! (yup, this was on New Years!)