Pennsylvania Information Center, Route 15S

I met this kind lumberjack while visiting the Pennsylvania Information Center on Route 15 South, which is just North of Mansfield. He told me that, just like the Adirondacks, Central PA also has a rich history of mountaineers and lumber jacks. He even informed me that Mansfield's mascot is the "Mountie." How cool is that?!

Mansfield University, PA (Still trekin’ on Route 15)

Happy Friday the 13th!

Here I am, visiting Mansfield, PA, and the campus of Mansfield University.


I stopped by the Butler Music Center, and from where I stood I saw something really awesome!


A fellow Gnome sat in an office of Butler Music Center! I tried to call and get his attention so he'd turn around, but he couldn't hear me. I still think its cool I spotted him. (: